Purpose / Mission Statement
Hello, welcome to TygerB.com’s Artist Festival. This event was created so artists can build their resumes for applications, add to their body of work, and connect with the city of Philadelphia; in addition to widening their following.
Visual artist will have an 8 hour window to not only showcase their works at the festival, but to complete a live painting on a 2'x4' spacing.
This Festival will also include free dance classes, performances, and more!
May 23rd, and June 20th, 2025
11am - 7pm
Love Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Need To Know Details
All Artist must be 18 & older
No mural shall include profanity, nudity, or political views.
Each artist will be featured on multiple social media outlets with photos of their work, short videos displaying several of their pieces, and on TygerB.com’s community page. Promotions will happen frequently.
Other promotional locations from TygerB.com includes:
Instagram - @TygerB_com @TygerB_com_Artist
Facebook - facebook.com/tygerbcom
Day Of Event
Seating will be limited. We recommend that all artist bring a chair for themselves, and a table that can fit within a your 8' spacing. We will not provide extra sitting or chairs once we have run out. in addition to this, we recommend that all artist have a friend/ assistant to help them throughout the event; so that each artist can complete their live artwork.
We are not held liable for any belongings, lost materials, misplaced apparatuses, injuries, or illnesses. In addition, we recommend that each artist has liability insurance, as we are not held accountable for any unforeseen possible medical situations; minor or extreme. A Waiver will need to be signed to be included into the festival, stating the above.

Artist Agreement​
The following must be upheld, by each artist:
All artist agree to promote themselves, not be shy with your work, and bring your a-game.
All artists agree to manage their own property.
All artists agree to treat all property they’ll be using with respect and caution.
All artists acknowledge that TygerB.com, all staff of TygerB.com, and the venue/ location, are not held accountable for any damages, missing items, or injuries to any artist or their property.
All artists agree to return all items lent to them, including any given paints and brushes.
All artists must be considerate and cautious of the guests, staff, and space. No harm or negativity shall be taken lightly. If any artist, or their work, injures a guest, the staff, or the space, that artist alone is held responsible for the damages and repercussions of their actions.
If an artist brings an assistant, that assistant should be aware that all of the above, applies to them as well. All artists are held accountable for their assistants, and should be ready to take on repercussions if any issues present themselves.

How To Apply
All applicates will need to be a part of TygerB.com's community to receive additional details; including confirmed artist, liability waiver, eta. It's free, and quick.
Simply select members in the menu bar, and follow the quick and easy steps.
Once verified, you will have access to the forum.
The Application can be found here: